Winners' Reviews

Won $9,000
Slots Winner
March 20th, 2017
Dear Bingomania Folks,
I am happy to include a testimonial about my win.
I have been playing at Bingomania since 2002, that is 15 years.
I love it. It is my go to happy place. This Saturday I was playing Bingo
with my bonus money and won the BIG jackpot with 2 other people more than $500.
I then decided to play slots which are my favorites. I played several games and increased my bets. My winnings also increased and I ended up winning more than $9000.00.I spent a little of that and then cashed out. I was so excited to win that much. Today when I checked my account I saw that I also won $350
for coming in 2nd.
In the weekend slot tournament. I didn’t know I was entered, I guess everyone is. What a nice surprise.
My husband is disabled and we don’t get out very much, this win will let us
go out to dinner and get some bills paid.
It definitely was the Luck of the Irish for me on Saturday!!
Thank you!!

Won $2,500
Slots Winner
December 26th, 2016
I love bingomania. I still can’t believe that I just won so much money. Thank you so much bingomania. You are the best site out there.

Won $2,500
Slots Winner
December 26th, 2016
I was shocked and very happy when I saw what I had won!

Won $1,200
Slots Winner
December 26th, 2016
Thanks Bingomania for my recent slots win.

Won $1,505
Bingo Jackpot
December 26th, 2016
BingoMania is the best online bingo site. Thanks so much.

Won $1,704
Slots Winner
December 26th, 2016
I finally won bigger than I usually do win on the Christmas slots. Thank you Bingo mania and thank the support team also.

Won $2,232.78
Bingo Jackpot
December 26th, 2016
I’ve been playing at BingoMania since you began in 1996 and will never play anywhere else. I’ve tried a number of sites off and on over the years, but have continuously played at Mania for a number of reasons…..This is the ONLY site with no wager requirements; it’s the ONLY site that’s totally honest with their players even when something gets messed up (I’ve played at some sites where they have actually blamed the player for some technical ‘glitch’); all of the people employed by Mania are courteous and helpful in a very quick manner; and although I’ve complained a few times over the years about processors being used, payouts or communications with those processors to take care of an issue are fast and ethical. I was lucky enough to win one of the Christmas specials that played on Friday, Dec. 23 and always am appreciative of the chance to continue to play at Mania. The money comes at exactly the right time since my old pickup truck is in need of some repairs that were going to have to wait until I saved up enough to take care of them. As long as Mania stays open, you have a loyal member for life here….I don’t play anywhere else anymore, even when given ‘free’ offers from those other sites. I’m stuck to you like glue, but you’re my glitter, Mania. I love you guys…Happy Holidays to all of you. You made my Christmas even better.

Won $1,100
Bingo Jackpot
December 26th, 2016
I have been playing here for 8 yrs, 99 percent of the time its Bingo but sometimes I will play a little BlackJack. I won one of the specials $240 coveralls last week but the rest of my winnings were from regular games. I did hit games in one day last week I remember mom taking me to the Moose Club when I was younger and would yell Bingo for her All the staff in here are so nice and have always answered my questions. I hope to win the Progressive Jackpot someday.

Won $2,500
Slots Winner
December 26th, 2016
I love playing the slots on bingomania!!I was really excited on my recent win!!

Won $1,700
Alias-Royal Flush
Slots Winner
December 26th, 2016
Wow, it feels great to win a big jackpot on Bingomania! Merry Christmas and Good Luck to all my fellow players during this holiday season!

Won $2,000
Slots Winner
December 19th, 2016
Love to play Living Large, and this win is my best! Thanks Bingomania!

Won $2,400
Slots Winner
December 12th, 2016
I’ve been a member of Bingomania since 2014 and I would like to thank them for making my Christmas Holiday more fun…Bingomania is the best Bingo site out there…their slot games are great!! Once again thank you, you’re the best.

Won $2,500
Slot Winner
December 12th, 2016
I love Bingomania. I did it again. $2500! It’s so awesome to sit at my computer and play to win. I’m looking forward to my next win!

Won $2,500
Slots Winner
December 9th, 2016
I love bingomania. I still can’t believe that I just won so much money. Thank you so much bingomania.
You are the best site out there.

Won $2,500
Slots Winner
November 24th, 2016
I again am lucky enough to sing my favorite site, Bingo Mania praises! I’ve been a member for 20 years now, and have always enjoyed my experiences here from all the friendly staff, fun in the chat rooms, and playing bingo and the slots! To the new players or those considering joining the Bingomania family, don’t worry this is the best and most honest site around to get your bingo and slot games on! Sit back and enjoy as always, Lisa!

Won $1,000
Slots Winner
November 14th, 2016
I’ve always liked playing Citrus 7’s and was thrilled when I hit a big win! You always hope for a nice win but never expect it. I’ve been playing at this site for a few years and enjoy playing here.

Won $2,400
Slots Winner
November 14th. 2016
I have been playing on this site for years and love winning! Bingo Mania has been good to me and I have recommended it to my friends and family..

Won $2,500
Slots Winner
November 14th, 2016
Yah!!! Yet again another win. The games are getting so much funner. looking forward to another win!! Good luck everyone.

Won $53,000
Slots Jackpot
November 7th, 2016
I want to thank Bingo Mania for being the best bingo online site. I have been playing for 3 years,
and love this site. I just won the bring home the bacon pig bonus for 53000.00 dollars.
I was so shocked and thrilled. I plan on taking me kids on a cruise. Something I always wanted to
do. I have won jackpots before but never this big. Thank you bingo mania for making it a really great day!!

Won $2,000
Slots Mystic Wolf
November 7th, 2016
I cannot not tell everyone how much I enjoy BINGOMANIA. I recently won again on the Mystic Wolf slot machine. This $2000.00 will be put to good use. The GM’s are the best and always make me laugh. The roomies are like long time friends and a support system for some. Thank you again Bingomania.

Won $2,880
Alias – Lauren52
Slots Mystic Wolf
September 26th, 2016
I was very surprised when I hit $2880.00 on Mystic Wolf. It will definitely come in handy. Thanks

Won $2,500
Alias – Dburdett25
Slot's Winner
September 5th, 2016
I love BingoMania!!!! Thanks for the win!!!!

Won $7,300
Alias – OLDHAMbone
Slots Winner
September 3rd, 2016
Thanks bingo mania. At first I was not sure about all the new slots. They
are great.

Won $12,973
Alias – TKBoyce
Bingo Jackpot
May 9th, 2016
I was sitting there decide to play a few games of bingo, since my wife had gone to bed.
I was totally shocked when I saw that I had won the jackpot. Thank you
came at a good time my truck needed to be fixed thanks again.

Won $2,540
Alias – SillyGoose42
Slot's Winner
May 9th, 2016
Bingomania is truly the most awesome sight ever. I always have a ton of fun playing bingo and the slots. Sometimes I get discouraged when you no longer have a slot game that I enjoyed playing but then you end up replacing it with a new favorite. That would be the case with the Tipsy Tourist game. I had a nice run of luck and ended up being able to cash out $2,500 and still have that much more to play with as well. I have been playing here for over 14 years and am sure I will be here for many many more. Thanks again Bingomania for the fun and of course for the nice win

Won $7,815.92
Alias – MegaRedWYN
Slots Jackpot
April 1st, 2016
For the first time in what seems like ages I have a withdrawal pending. I sit here in stunned disbelief— Star Level 82 with a zero balance in my account.
I want to thank Bingo Mania for my big win this weekend while, searching in vain for some superlatives to describe what the last 48 hours playing slots with Skippy felt like, but words fail me. Although I consider myself a bingo player, I have switched to playing slots largely in self-defence because lately I could not win bingos with any regularity and somehow losing in slots was not as painful as were my bingo losses.
A new slot game ALKEMOR’S TOWER was fascinating, so I’ve spent lots of my weekend playing it faithfully and Skippy rewarded my dedication with a big win.
All I can say is a heartfelt THANK YOU, to Skippy and all the staff at Bingo Mania. The site has always been great but it is getting better and better all the time. God bless you all, MegaRedWYN.

Won $2,500
Alias – SaS
Slots Winner
March 21st, 2016
Thank you again Bingomania!!!! This is my second BIG win!! My first win was HUGE, and this one is just as nice!!! Have been a Bingomania player for years and really enjoy your site!!! LOVE the Slots and Bingo! Looking forward to playing more!

Won $2,250
Alias – trolleygirl
Slots Winner
February 29th, 2016
I love bingomania have been a member for some time now I enjoy the games both slots and bingo it is so nice to have a site that makes it easy to play. Love when the wheel of fortune comes my way

Won $6,600
Alias – Northernmommie
Slots Winner
February 29th, 2016
Thanks Bingomania for another great win! Your site is the most fun!

Won $1,770
Alias – BeNiceToMe
Bingo Jackpot
January 18th, 2016
I have been a member at BingoMania for many years and just love playing there . The Gm’s are just fantastic and the roomies not to forget , we all just like a big family . When I actually hit the Pjp I started shaking with disbelief I turned laptop of and on to see if it is true and it was .It’s such a great feeling to win such big amount so I can’t thank this side enough.

Won $1,000
Alias – Cecec
Slots Winner
January 18th, 2016
Bingomania has many fun games, including bingo, slots, video poker, and more. Best of all, it is fair to all who play, and it offers extremely generous bonuses!

Won $1,859
Alias – TODDY
Slots Winner
January 11th, 2016
After enjoying Christmas with family and friends me and my husband decided to,see what was going on on Bingomania.We saw the big game and bought in to play while playing I was saying to my husband “what if we win?” As we got down to two numbers I said “oh lord we only need two numbers!! and than one when it came we was hollering and celebrating!!!!!

Won $2,100
Alias – Gwenshere
Slots winner
January 11th, 2016
I won $2100.00 on a double diamond slot machine!! It was so exciting to see those diamonds line up!! I love Bingomania!!!!

Won $2,990.80
Alias – Inspectg
Slots Winner
January 11th, 2016
I’m so thrilled to be a part of I’ve been playing for a few years and thus was the biggest win by far, I was so excited!! I couldn’t wait you cash out. 😉 Thank you for the new game.

Won $2,000
Alias – Electra
Slots Winner
January 11th, 2016
Dear Bingo mania,
I am so happy I found your site! I have had the best experience playing your slots! I was overjoyed when I made my big win on wild pandas! I actually have averaged a big payout almost every week so thank you Bingo mania for your fun site. I’ll be playing with you for a long time!!

Won $917
Alias – Lucey
Slots Winner
January 2nd, 2016
I have been a member of Bingomania for 12 years this May. Bingomania is The
best online site anywhere. I love how they keep Bingomania so exciting and
interesting and keep one wondering which special or game they will have each
day. I would like to thank Bingomania for my win just after Christmas. My eyes
were so big and just staring at the screen with my mouth open when I saw how
much I had won playing unicorn slots. I will be playing here for many years to
come. I know everyone can win and good luck to all the players here. Thanks to
all the Bingomania staff for being so helpful with any question or problem you
may have. Happy 2016 everyone!!

Won $1,023
Alias – Tonya
Slots Winner
January 2nd, 2016
I love playing at bingo mania! The games are so much fun!! It’s always
exciting to win a game because I know I’ll get more hours of play time!
Thanks, Bingomania!

Won $3,454
Bingo Jackpot
December 16th, 2015
I have always enjoyed playing Bingo at Bingomania. Both the players and the people who work there are awesome. When I am having a bad day, I can always count on the people at Bingomania to cheer me up a little. Winning the PJP was a totally awesome experience. The year, 2015 was not a very good year for me or my family. I will enjoy using the money to get some of the things my family needs and spoiling my grandkids.
Thank you so much Mania family.

Won $1,257
Alias – bchgal69
Bingo Jackpot
December 13th, 2015
I felt great winning.

Won $1,000
Alias – Jonandcat
Bingo Jackpot
December 13th, 2015
I was very excited to win my bingo game the other day, we have played here for many years and would’t play anywhere else. Thank you Bingomania!!!

Won $1,000
Alias – Northernmommie
Bingo Jackpot
November 26th, 2015
I have been playing on Bingomania for a few years now and it is my #1 preferred site. I really enjoy the bingo games as well as the slots and am thrilled at the level of winnings that I have seen for myself and others. The daily surprises, bonuses and games keep me coming back…there’s nothing like a high level of variety! Keep up the great work Bingomania staff…you Rock!

Won $1,000
Alias – Just1red4WYN
Bingo Jackpot
November 15th, 2015
Dear Bingo Mania, after 11 years of active membership, I know for certain that you are the best site on the web and last night proved it to me once again. I bought cards for the big $1,000.00 games because to a bingo maniac like me big pots are irresistible. I have nearly fell out of my wheelchair when I won the game. Please accept my heartfelt thanks Just1red4WYN

Won $2,500
Alias – trolleygirl
Slots Weekend in Vegas
September 21st, 2015
I really enjoy the bingo mania site and winning is a feel good factor bingo mania have great slots and bingo games thanks heaps bingo mania

Won $16,000
Alias – SimplyJ
Mega Glam Life slots
September 21st, 2015
Dear Bingomania
Wow! I cannot believe I hit this size of a payout. I am a frequent on-line gambler and never anticipated winning this big on this site. I have really only played Bingo here and have had loads of fun doing so. I do win quite frequently and always enough to keep the fun going. But, this win, thank you, I am now an avid slots player at Bingomania as well and it really does play with you. For anyone who was wondering if you could ever win anything big, let me be the first to tell you, you can! I have been with Bingomania for many years now and guaranteed you will see me around for many more. My winnings are like a second pay cheque each week, sweet

Won $2,500
Alias – LAMPoodle
Slots Mega Glam Life
August 25th, 2015
I love BingoMania, I have been playing on this site for awhile now and I look forward to talking with the friends I have met, winning always makes it better, FRIENDS FOREVER with BINGOMANIA .. You cannot beat the bonuses they give anywhere … Come on in and play

Won $7,000
Alias – Bingo4mybasket
Mr. Vegas slots
July 20th, 2015
I’m very excited that I won this Jackpot on the Mr. Vegas slots. I do believe that this is the best jackpot I’ve won so far and I’ve been a member of the Bingo Mania Family almost since the beginning and it just keeps getting better and better. I absolutely love the new slot games and look forward to seeing whats next! those of you who are new, this site is the best and I don’t play anywhere else! Not to mention that all the staff are wonderful and the chat rooms are friendly. So sit back and enjoy you favorite games, Bingo Mania is truly the best! ! Sincerely Bingo4mybasket.

Won $2,500
Alias – Billbingo76
Slots Winner
July 13th, 2015
This is the best online bingo site I have ever played. I have a great time and
all the people have been nice. I was only playing for a short time when I won,
slots are great and I like the different bingo rooms. I am glad I joined. The
star levels and rewards add up quickly, nice touch to the fun. There is a lot
to choose from here and I really like playing here.

Won $3,000
Alias – Victorialynn221
Slots Sweet Slots
July 13th, 2015
I Love Bingomania…their personnel are friendly and very quick to help or answer any questions. The bingo games are always fun with new surprises and special games each week. The players have been a pleasure to have fun with. New slots all the time. I love the tournaments each week, and get excited to see where I have placed. I recommend Bingomania to everyone, newbies and vets. You will love it too!!! My sister told me she had been playing here for years and now 2 of my neighbors have joined. I would like to thank all of the staff for always giving fast service with a smile!!”
Thank You Bingomania!!

Won $2,500
Alias – MegaRed
Slots Mega Glam Life
June 28th, 2015
Dear Bingo Mania, it is such a pleasure to win a big spin in our newest slot Mega Glam Life. Thank you very much for yesterday’s timely win.
Best regards

Won $2,500
Alias – leia777
Slots Living Large
June 22nd, 2015
I love bingo mania. I was thrilled to get the 1000 on the wheel spin on living large slots. I love playing the slots they seen to hit all the time. Bingo is also a lot of fun. With great games and friendly gms. The chat games are great. I never played on line bingo before bingo mania. I tried other sites sense but always come back to mania because they are the best. My whole family, husband, daughter, son, and daughter in law play now. I told my friends at work about bingo mania and they all want me to send them the buddy link so they can play. Bingo mania is best bingo site online.

Won $2,500
Alias – karma44771
Slots Fruit Zen
May 25th, 2015
I have been a member of this site since 2011. I really enjoy the slot games, many of which are truly unique. The graphics are very clear and bright, even on my tablet or cell phone, which is a big selling point for me. My favorite games are fruit zen and mega gems. My big win happened while playing fruit zen, and this is my biggest single win that I have ever cashed out , either in a live casino or online. I plan to use my winnings to go towards the trip I have been planning to visit Utah to golf in Mesquite and hike at Zion.

Won $3,940
Alias – karma44771
Slots Fruit Zen
May 20th, 2015
I have been a member of this site since 2011. I really enjoy the slot games, many of which are truly unique. The graphics are very clear and bright, even on my tablet or cell phone, which is a big selling point for me. My favorite games are fruit zen and mega gems. My big win happened while playing fruit zen, and this is my biggest single win that I have ever cashed out, either in a live casino or online. I plan to use my winnings to go towards the trip i have been planning to visit Utah to golf in Mesquite and hike at Zion.

Won $7,900
Alias – lalaland6971
Slots Lost Inca's Gold
May 18th, 2015
WOW…That is all I can say about my BIG win on BingoMania. I had played at
other bingo sites but BingoMania is the best! I was in total shock when I saw
how much I had won. Thanks BingoMania Love you guys!!! Will always play

Won $2,700
Alias – DMousKtchr
Slots Sugar Rush
May 11th, 2015
This is DMousKtchr, Debbie. I have been playing at bingo mania for years on and off. I was playing some of the new slots and checking out all the new things going on there.I looked up at my slots game and it hit for 1500. I just couldn’t believe it. I was so surprised and delighted to have won that much. I have enjoyed playing bingo and all the new games they have been adding. And my old favorites that are there too. I just love playing all the games and all the friendly people at bingomania. Thanks So much for the nice win and good luck everyone. If it happened for me it can happen to you too!
Thanks again.

Won $2,500
Alias – mmkit
Jacks or Better Video Poker
May 11th, 2015
I always have a great time playing on the Bingo Mania site. They always have great specials and bonuses that allow allow plenty of time for playing. I would definitely recommend the Bingo Mania site to anyone. You can’t beat the bonuses offered and special games as well as the convenient deposit and withdrawal options. Withdrawal requests are made in a timely fashion and no one on the web offers a better play through option than on the Bingo Mania site. Any and all help tickets I have ever submitted are answered very quickly and the chat option also provides great assistance. Thank you for providing such a great site!

Won $2,500
Alias – bmplayer919
Puppy Love Plus slots
May 11th, 2015
I have played at bingomania I think since it opened! I love to play the new Puppy Love which is where I was able to accumulate $2500 in wins. I just kept winning and winning. Everyone at bingomania is very helpful. Unlike other bingo sites I love the fact that I can pick up the phone and call and talk to a real person if there is a problem.
The pack and line run is awesome, I like to play late at night and the other sites don’t offer a room that late at night. I also like the one hour coverall every night in the money pot room. The payouts are very timely and I can always count on it being there by a certain date. Thanks Bingomania for many years of playing bingo and slots.

Won $3,000
Alias – myss20
Gypsy Rose Slots
April 27th 2015
Finally my first BIG win! I have been playing local bingo, slots, and have been playing on for about 3 years and now one of them have paid off! How exciting!!

Won $3,000
Alias – REDalwaysWYNs
Sugar & Ice slots
April 20th, 2015
There just are no words to express my total delight with the slots on Bingo Mania website. I enjoy them so much that now I play slots more than bingo. Imagine my delight when I actually won big in playing Sweet Slots this weekend. Winning over $3,000.00 is sweet indeed. Thank you, Bingo Mania, you are the best.
Another grateful Maniac

Won $2,900
Alias – Snoozen
March 16th 2015
I can’t believe I won a jackpot,it’s the most amazing thing and I also can’t believe the timing.
Just before winter in October of last year we had to replace our roof and now in spring we had a new furnace installed – just the day before i won the jp., so this windfall from Bingo Mania is a lucky gift!. It is going to be a nice surprise for my husband as we will now be able to have our planned vacation
in the summer Ty Bingo Mania for being the best site on the internet, and the only one I trust!! Bingo Mania Rocks! Why would you play anywhere else!!
Thanks again still can’t believe my luck Snoozen

Won $8300
Alias – Stellandfly
Bingo jackpot
March 2nd 2015
I absolutely love this site! I was completely shocked to have won such a large amount of money! I will continue to play on this BINGO MANIA for years to come. I always thought I would win by sitting in a bingo hall, never in a million years did I think I could win a jackpot sitting in the comfort of my own home! I have also connected with people I would never get to converse with otherwise! What an amazing way to start the spring off. Here in NH we have had over 100 inches of snow….I think I will be taking a vacation to a warmer climate THANKS TO BINGO MANIA!

Won $3000
Alias – DonnaRock
Bingo jackpot
February 16th 2015
I have been playing at Bingo Mania for years and it has always been nothing less than exciting. I have won many bingo games over the years and exciting wins on slots like “Living Large”…….. But I never thought I would ever see a Bingo Jackpot win like I saw on Valentine’s Day! I had been playing in a couple of rooms and wasn’t paying much attention and then I noticed that I only needed 3 more numbers for a full card in the Valentine’s Room. Imagine my surprise when I took another look and saw that only 44 numbers had been called. I took my eyes off of the screen for a couple of seconds and when I looked back at the screen I had the shock of my life. The screen actually showed I won the Coverall Progressive Jackpot!. OMG I love this site and always will. Thanks Skippy……..that was the best Valentine’s Day gift everrrrrr!

Won $8000
Alias – Farmer
Slots jackpot
February 2nd 2015
I have been playing on Bingomania since 2001. I’ve tried other sites, but they just don’t come close to Bingomania. Last week was the best week I have ever had on this site. Thank you Bingomania for the bigest payouts on the Web. Hope to have many more years of playing on this site. You are the greatest!!!!

Won $2500
Alias – pamabernathy
Slots jackpot
February 2nd 2015
It was so great to be a big winner at Bingomania last week. I have been playing for 5 years and they are the best site to play at, with great bonuses, and rewards. I really like the new slot games that y’all have added. Ive tried other bingo site but like Bingomania the best, it is # 1 for me. I will keep telling all my friends about your site. Got my sister to join after having to tell her the site was safe to use her credit card on about 10 times lol. I also hit big a few times last month too. Keep adding new slot Bingomania and again thanks. Thanks pamabernathy

Won $2500
Slots jackpot
January 26th 2015
Hi, I was so so happy to see that I won AGAIN. Bingo Mania has been so good to me this year!! I have been a member for a long time and I always have fun playing and so does most of my family…shout out to Scotty 3210, Kymmy and Sunsetsnroses! I tell everyone how great your games are…We all love this site and all the new games on here…My favorite of coarse is the GEMS game which I am winning like crazy on! Hope Bingomania is around for a long time to come…You all are GREAT!! HAPPY WINNINGS TO EVERYONE!

Won $1000
Alias – mssassy764
Slots jackpot
January 26th 2015
I have been a member of Bingomania since 2005. I’ve played on and off over the years and I recently started playing here a lot more. I love the new slots and the variety of slots. They’re hard to hit on but when they’re hot – they are hot! I also like the mix of bingo games and the guaranteed games they offer. I’m not that lucky on bingo but I sure am trying (lol). It’s also nice that they offer a free game room for the depositing players during the week. I got lucky this week and managed to cash out a $1000 from my slot wins. I was playing on the Glorious Rome machine and got quite a few bonus rounds…it was very exciting! I hope my luck continues! Keep up the good work Bingomania! I’m really liking all of the changes made to the site! Thank you very much and good luck to everyone! Sincerely…mssassy764

Won $1000
Alias – Gabesgrama51
Slots jackpot
January 26th 2015
Hi, My name is Gabesgrama51 and I’ve been playing at Bingomania since March, 2012. I am so addicted to this web-site it’s ridiculous. I have won a few big jackpots in the casino, and this week I won $1000 on the Double Scoops Delight Slots. I put a lot of money into Bingomania and it’s nice to get something in return. That’s what keeps me coming back! The staff is extremely friendly and I will continue to play as often as possible. Thanks Again Bingomania!!! Gabesgrama51

Won $800
Alias – Kymmy
Slots jackpot
January 26th 2015
I have been playing here for about ten years. I have tried other sites and none have been even close to bingomania . The selection of slots and bingo rooms are great! I love the new slots especially candy cash and mega gems. I ventured away from those to try others and they were good but we all have favorites. I have been on a nice winning streak this last few months ! The GM’s are great in the rooms and I enjoy chatting with them.

Won $3000
Alias – MCRC
Bingo jackpot
January 24th 2015
Good afternoon, here is the picture and statement you requested for my recent win. On January 24, 2015 I was playing bingo in the Nuthouse Room. I had just played a few games and decided that I would skip the next full card game. With only a few seconds left to buy cards, I changed my mind and decided to play. The game was so quick, with only 36 Numbers called I needed 2 numbers for the full card. n33 and b5. I remember thinking that this would never happen. Within a call or two N33 came out leaving me only needing B5. To my surprise the 43rd number called was B5. I had forgotten what game I was playing and looked up to see I did not only win the game but also the progressive jackpot. I really enjoy Bingo Mania, the staff have always been great, willing to help whenever I need assistance. Break a dabber, Bingo Maniacs

Won $11,000
Alias – Rossc1
Slots winner
January 12th 2015
I have spent a lot of money at bingo mania and now I have won a lot !!! I really Need it now do to my truck on its last leg and work being slow in the winter. Really hope to see the money soon ! Had a lot of fun playing here but itâ??s a lot More fun when you win big so for those of you who don’t think it’s possible, Think again, just got to be in the rite game at the right time. Thanks for the Great times and look forward to the future here, got to go win more! lol good luck to all!!!

Won $10,000
Alias – Candyapple777
Bingo jackpot
January 6th 2015
All my bingo roomies this is candy apple777 I would. Like to tell you my story I have been with bingo mania Since 2008 I am so thankful for John Nash ,and all the gm’s that take time to keep us straight I never worry about my wins, some day I hope to meet Stewart. wouldn’t be nice to win big enough to get to sit down and get a check all at One time. Never hurts to dream I needed one number on our last big 100,000 game. What I really like about this site is that we know each other, I like it when the colors change; When red comes up . I love all,the big games they offer. Now we have new slots just take 10.00 go to the new slots give them a try. I won on,the new slot yes thats right . 10,000 there are so many new ones I can not pick which one I like the best. I want to say thank you bingo mania for a good start for 2015.

Won $10,000
Alias – QuincyDi
Bingo jackpot
December 25th 2014
I am so excited about my big win on Christmas day! I am still in shock and can hardly believe my luck. What an unexpected Christmas gift for my family. I have a lot of medical issues and this prize couldn’t have come at a better time. I was so excited after my win that I couldn’t even fall asleep. A big THANK YOU to all the GM’s and staff at Mania. I love this site!

Won $2500
Alias – mommaliskas
Slots jackpot
December 7th 2014
I love the new slot called Sugar Rush ! I was shocked when I was able to win a little and increase my bet until eventually I was playing max bet. I had several smaller wins and numerous big wins. Then I moved on to Lost Incas and had big wins on that slot as well. Another favorite of mine is Lucky Day At the Races. The thrill of getting the bonus and choosing a horse for the race is so much fun. Big wins are to be had if you choose the right one and even last place is nothing to sneeze at.

Won $2500
Alias – Angelav
Slots jackpot
November 30th 2014
I love bingomania!! Another big win for me!! I hit on the slots about 2 weeks ago and today another win!! I played bingo and won a $500 game in the thanksgiving room. I decided to try my luck with the slots and I won $2500.00. Wow!! Thanks bingomania. You are the best bingo site!!

Won $2500
Alias – Angelav
Slots jackpot
November 15th 2014
I have been playing on bingomania for a couple of years now and I enjoy playing on the site. I have won several times but yesterday I decided to play the slots. Wow!! I hit for $2500.00!! I am so excited. Thanks bingomania for such a huge win!! You are the best bingo site that I have ever played on.

Won $6400
Alias – carde646
Slots jackpot
November 10th 2014
I have been playing with Bingo Mania since 2004. This is my favorite place to play and very truthful. I love the bingos but my favorites are the slot machines. I would like to thanks the staff that make all this possible and that are always there to answer any of our questions. I hope we can continue plying for many more years……Thank you Bingo Mania……….

Won $3465
Alias – SillyGoose42
Slots jackpot
November 10th 2014
I have been playing with Bingomania since 2002 and it is HANDS DOWN the best site ever !! I have played other sites and this one is not only the most reliable with getting a payout, they are the most fun place to play. The chat hosts are awesome and the promotions are the best. The games are always fun and the new slots are awesome ! Right before Christmas could not have been a better time to hit $3600 on a slot game. I thought I was seeing things. You guys are the best and you can expect to see me for years to come.

Won $7,594
Alias – HorseWithNoName
Bingo jackpot
November 10th 2014
Thank you so much, Bingo Mania, for my big win! I still can’t believe it happened. I have played at a lot of bingo sites over the past many years. Bingo Mania is, by far, the best site I have ever been to. Please don’t ever change. I love it! This money will come in quite handy for Christmas gifts for my two children and four grandchildren. They were as excited about this win as I was. Yeah Bingo Mania! I will be playing here forever. Thanks again.

Won $10,000
Alias – redxmascash
Bingo jackpot
November 1st 2014
OMG I did not even think I could win anything big playing bingo then one night I played this game it was $10,000.00 min so I bought in the game it cost me $52.50 i played seven cards and then I won am so glad I won because I needed the money thank you to bingo mania I was able to pay my debt on my house and save it and the money could not of come at a better time than now so ty and also my husband was sleeping when I was playing the game when I won I jumped on him, he jumped up and was like what the lol and he could not believe we won it was the greatest feeling in the world and I been a member here for ten years and I love playing here ty bingo mania.

Won $17049
Alias – malliemal
Slots jackpot
September 1st 2014
I was thrilled to win the Progressive Jackpot on the Bringing Home The Bacon slot machine! I love Bingo Mania and have enjoyed playing during my free time!

Won $2500
Alias – Gabesgrama51
Slots jackpot
August 9th 2014
I’m so excited, I won $2500 in the Rainforest Riches slots! I had deposited $200 in my Bingomania account Friday night and played the slots for a couple of hours. I like to play the .75 cent games because your money lasts a little longer. I was hoping to win something, maybe double my money. Well, I had lost my money, so I started playing bingo with my deposit bonus funds. I won about three bingo games in a row, and again I started playing the slots. I couldn’t believe my eyes, after the third spin in the Rainforest Riches casino game, I HIT THE JACKPOT! $2500 That was totally the luck of the draw as they say. This couldn’t have happened at a better time, thank you Bingomania and all of your staff. I love your bingo site!

Won $6000
Alias – Lilbingo
Slots jackpot
August 9th 2014
A BIG Thank you to Bingo Mania I had but only 1 spin in slots and won the Jackpot!! I feel so Blessed to have won this as now my new husband and I can take and pay for our much needed honeymoon , Thanks to Bingo Mania A wonderful Site in which I just love!! I have never in my life won such an amount it had me shaking and still am lol, I love playing at Mania daily a friendly happy site with such lovely Hosts, support team and roomies, A pleasure to be part of such a wonderful online family! Thank you Mania for being such a wonderful AMAZING online site!!

Won $9000
Alias – OLDHAMbone
Slots jackpot
August 4th 2014
I have been playing at BINGO Mania for a while. Not my first payout, but the largest so far. They players are great and the staff is awesome. Thanks BINGO Mania.

Won $6,252
Alias – Almost Red
Bingo jackpot
July 21st 2014
I must say I am still in shock over winning this much , when I saw that my card went yellow I thought hmm none of my other cards are coloured yet maybe I could get a good win like 500$ , I was watching cards in another room at the time and could only see the little window at the bottom of my screen , when it went red I switched to that room and couldn’t believe what the winners window said !!! I only purchased 8 cards so it goes to show you don’t need to max out to win big , I am so thankful for this win as it couldn’t have come at a better time !! Thank you Bingo Mania for everything !!! Almost Red

Won $2500
Alias – LilBingo
Slots jackpot
July 10th 2014
I would like to Thank Bingo Mania for My win!! I was shocked when I noticed I had won $2500 and almost fell of my chair. A great suprise as I am getting Married in afew weeks winning this has now payed for my wedding and taken the stress away!I feel over joyed and very excited, Bingo Mania Thank you so very much , Your Games and staff and of course the great roomies make every day wonderful at Mania and the exciting games just wonderful! Mania has made me super Happy and very blessed. Lilbingo

Won $3000
Alias – gamblingqueen
Slots jackpot
July 7th 2014
Bingo mania is the best place to play online bingo and slots! The have great monthly promotions, slot tournaments and so much more, the new slots are awesome so many to chose from.The different bingo rooms are great to, my favorite is on Saturday they have the soap opera bingo room, I love the pack and line bingo room as well, I have won a progressive jackpot in there a few times! I always look forward to bingo manias contests and prizes, the site is always changing so it never gets boring.there great deposit bonuses keep me coming back and there chats games are fun to!

Won $2700
Alias – denisev1958
Slots jackpot
June 16th 2014
WOW !!!! That all I keep saying I never win I love this site it the best I will never play anywhere else and I love playing GLORIOUS ROME it is the best game. Cant wait until I get my 2500.00 taking my grandchildren on a shopping spree. I have told everyone I know that they are crazy if they are not playing at BINGOMANIA and if they want to win they need to go there and play. THANK YOU THANK YOU BINGOMANIA AGAIN THANK YOU DENISE VINCENT

Won $2800
Alias – kymmy
Slots jackpot
June 9th 2014
I was so excited to hit the jackpot on living large not once but twice! I have been playing at bingomania for at least 10 years. It is the best online site and has the best slots. My whole family plays here and we all love the chat games and the GM’s are the best!

Won $4000
Alias – missag76
Slots jackpot
June 9th 2014
Bingomania is, hands down, the best bingo site there is! Today, I am cashing out my biggest win. $4,000! I’ve been playing for a few years now and love everything about this site. The payouts are hassle free, the games are fun, and the customer service is wonderful. I love being able to have my choice of slots or bingo. And now with all the new slot games, there’s no chance of boredom! There’s always something new going on in bingo rooms to keep us players entertained. I’ve tried a couple of other bingo sites, but wasn’t happy with them at all! Bingomania will always be the one for me! And by the way, I’m eight months pregnant. So, this came at an amazing time. Happy bingoing fellow players!

Won $6768
Alias – Concorde
Slots jackpot
May 26th 2014
Thank you very much Bingo Mania. It started with a Show Stopper win in Money Pot and just kept rolling. What a thrill it was playing the New Video Slots, and they just kept paying out. Bingo Mania has been a wonderful site and I have so enjoyed playing over the years. I do enjoy the Roomies and the GMs are so helpful, witty and kind. The Promotions are something to look forward to each month. Thank you again! Keep up the excellent site!

Won $2500
Alias – Maryfun
Slots jackpot
April 21st 2014
Dear Bingomania, I love this site and all CM’s and Players!!!!!! ” WE ARE FAMILY” here at Bingomania!!!!!!!!!!!BINGOMANIA is MY FAVORITE ONLINE BINGO SITE!!!!!!!! Super Sweet Bingo Players From Everywhere In The World Who Love, Love, Love Bingo And BINGOMANIA!!!!! Everyone is so friendly and so nice here and I really feel that Bingomania is the Best Online Bingo Site there is!!!! I’ve been a member for a long time. Bingomania has always made me very happy and I love it more everyday!!! Most of the players here have been here for a very long time also. Very Loyal, even the Lobby Rats. Never, ever have I had any problems with cashing out winnings and that is very common and frustrating with most other online Bingo sites. When I won my 2nd PJP in a month, I was alone in the Looney Bin, lol. It was just before 6am , pacific time……and I was pretty sure I wasn’t gonna get it. Then…… card lit up RED!!!!! with the PJP!!!!! I couldn’t believe it!!!!!! I said “weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!”………but no one was there to see it and say ‘weeeeeeeeee’ cuz usually everyone congratulates all winners, on all wins!!! Then they all came in a few mins later and all said “WTG” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and “weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”!!!!!!!!!! Now my only wish would be for Bingomania to get us all together on a Bingomania Cruise!!!!!!! Thank you Bingomania ……….Thank You CM’S……….Thank You Roomies………..I Love You!!!!!!

Won $2,500
Alias – Maxnell
Bingo Jackpot
April 19th 2014
Winning $2500 on Bingomania was a complete surprise because I never win anything! The players, GMs, and staff are very supportive and will help you with any questions that you may have. I enjoy playing not only Bingo, but the other games that Bingomania offers. I have fun chatting with people from all over the world and learning more about their cultures or just joking around. The weekly and holiday offers are very good and I also like the deposit bonus that you receive. It gives you more money to play with for a longer time. Bingomania is by far the best gaming site on the internet and I will continue to play because it is fun.

Won $2,500
Alias – Tamula
Video Poker
April 14th 2014
So excited for my big win. I’ve never had one quite this size, and I’m sooooo happy. My daughter and I haven’t been on a trip by ourselves forever and this is going to make it so much better. I have been playing at Mania for several years, left for a few because I thought i had found a new place to call home, but never did I win like i do at Mania. Thank you to everyone at Bingomania that keeps the site up and running and makes these wins possible for people like myself. Sometimes it takes patience to get these wins, but it’s well worth the wait in the end. Going to be a great way to spend the week with my daughter on our trip Have a great day, Tammy

Won $2662
Alias – SoozieQ
Casino jackpot
March 7th 2014
Thank you BingoMania. I have had years of payouts and years of fun. Thanks to your bingo, slots and table games, I never get bored or tired of playing and look forward to many more years with you. Susie

Won $16,000
Alias – CruiseJackie
Slots jackpot
March 11th 2014
Hi it’s cruisejackie I absolutely love & adore bingomania. Winning the progressive jackpot was a sensational feeling. Bingomania is THE BEST BINGO SITE on the World Wide Web. I am taking my family on a cruise with the winnings & sharing the love. Thank you again, Skippy!!!! Wishing all my friends at Bingomania and their families the best luck & the best health! I am so very grateful to you. Enjoy life like I do. Love always CruiseJackie xoxo

Won $7532
Slots jackpot
March 10th 2014
OMG! OMG! Hallelujah! is all I could say when I hit the progressive jackpot in Wild Cherry. It is truly a blessing that I won. I have been playing that slot game for several months and I said to myself “I’m going to win this jackpot tonight”. I sat playing for over six hours straight with my balance going up and down and up and down, then finally it said, you have won the PJP. I couldn’t believe my eyes! Thank you Bingomania and all of your staff, I love your games. You’re the BEST bingo site around.

Won $5000
Alias – crowboy
Bingo jackpot
March 1st 2014
I was amazed when I saw the bingo card that won light up like it did. I was on the patio having a coffee and watching the computer screen through the window. I knew there was something really good happening when I noticed that the winning card was the only card that had any colors to it. As soon as I saw it turn to green I put my coffee down and opened the sliding door just in time to see the card turn to red. As I ran up to the screen, the window appeared that showed the winner. I was absolutely shocked and elated at the same time when Isaw that the prize was 5000.00 dollars My ladyfriend came in from outside knowing I had won, but when I yelled out how much I won her mouth dropped open and I could tell she was stunned. It is a pleasure playing bingo at bingomania as I have had lots of lucky wins and will find much joy in future wins, regards crowboy.

Won $2,500
Alias – deborahw40
Keno jackpot
February 10th 2014
I really enjoy playing Bingo in the Bingo Mania Loony Bin room. Now I don’t have to wait to play bingo, I can play anytime from home. I like playing KENO and slots also, and you can’t beat the deposit bonuses. It was really easy to get started and the deposits are safe. I told my sister about it and now she plays bingo and we can talk on the phone while we play. I was just recently at a casino and had to put up with smoke, from the smokers and I’d rather play at home.

Won $5337
Alias – damama650
Bingo Jackpot
January 27th 2014
I am thrilled to be one of the recipients and I am still completely in shock that I won this monetary prize. I was playing just for fun on home computer and happened to be extremely lucky! To be completely honest, this money couldn’t have come at a more convenient time. Money has been tight and so this was a pleasant surprise for my husband and me. I regularly play bingo mania and always hoped that I would win at least once and now I can say that I have! Bingo mania is one of my favorite sites to play on!

Won $7,000
Alias – emmyj69
Keno jackpot
January 15th 2014
Wow! I cant believe I won! I decided to play keno and all of a sudden I hit all 7 numbers and wont 7,000! I was in absolute shock and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Right away I made a withdrawal request and my money was there in just a few days, I am a believer now! Bingo mania is such a great site, anyone can win! Thank you so much bingo mania I am extremely ecstatic and can finally pay some bills off!!

Won $2800
Alias – WickedWoman
Bingo jackpot
November 3rd 2013
Hello Bingo Mania! I just won $2800 and I am still in shock. This is the best site to play BINGO ever ever! I won $750 in 47 numbers and was thrilled not realizing 47 NUMBERS, that gave me the progressive JackPoT also!! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this win! I was just relaxing playing some Sunday Bingo enjoying the last part of my weekend before heading back to work tomorrow and this has made my day! Christmas just around the corner, who could have asked for this. All I can say is thank you thank you thank you BINGO MANIA! I always have loved site, the games, the people and the hosts! I wish everyone to be as lucky as I have been today! You may think it won’t happen to you but I am proof, it could! Thank you so very very much! WickedWoman

Won $14,884
Alias – ihvnolyf
Bingo Jackpot
August 26th 2013
Wow!! Wooohoooo!! OMG!!! Those are just some of the words used in chat by myself, other players and GMs when I hit the progressive jackpot in the Money Pot Room on Monday August 26, 2013. What a shock it was! I was playing in 3 rooms, chatting in the Summer Room. It was the second game of the day in Money Pot…a 2-part game, butterfly and coverall. I glanced at the game and saw I was waiting for O66 for the coverall and said so in chat in Summer Room….and O66 popped up and my card turned red. My heart skipped a beat and then the winner’s box popped up that I had won the butterfly pattern and I thought I’d made a mistake and felt a flash of disappointment but immediately after a second winner’s box popped up saying I’d won the coverall!! I didn’t realize I’d won both parts on the same call. So inside of about 20 seconds I went from anticipation to excitement to disappointment to shock, surprise and excitement again! First thing I did after all the congratulations in chat were done was call my Dad in NY ( who will be celebrating his 90th birthday this Friday, Happy Birthday, Daddy ) and tell him. He could hear how excited I was and kept saying ‘Are you alone? Is someone with you? Don’t give yourself a heart attack!’ LMAO….he’s 90 and he’s worried about me! I’ve been a player here since 1998 ( since we’d hear ‘hokey-smokes, you’re a winner!’ when we won ) and this place is like family to me. The players, the GMs, management….I love you all. And by the way…I was only playing ONE card! I figured at least if I was IN it maybe I could WIN it. Best $1.25 I ever spent! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart…. ihvnolyf

Won $2500
Alias – pshady
Video Poker
August 27th 2013
Well, let me start by saying I am so thrilled to have won a jackpot on the Dueces and Jokers video poker game. I have been a player on Bingomania for many years and have won and lost throughout the years, but have always had fun while playing. As with any Casino, wins and losses are expected. I have been home due to a surgery and thought what a better way to kill my boredom at home than to play on Bingomania. August 27th, I was playing video poker in the evening and was on what would have been my last spin for the night (seriously) and four wild deuces appeared with an 8 in the middle. I thought what the heck, might as well discard the 8 and try for a wild.
Amazingly a Jokers wild appeared right in the center of the deuces wild. WILD JACKPOT!!! Needless to say, I will be playing again. Thanks Again!!!

Won $500
Alias – icredsoldman
Slots jackpot
July 26th 2013
I have only been a bingomaniac for a short while. My girlfriend (Pigpickn/icredporkchop) has played here for many years and signed me up to play. This is a great site and everyone is so friendly…I especially like the loyalty bonuses! I have won 2 times and had a nice fat check sent both times! This last win I am recieving $500…I love playing the slots and thats where I won! I cant wait to see what new suprises come everyday with the huge suprise bonuses and huge JP’s ! GOOD JOB BINGOMANIA!

Won $1000
Alias – DonnaRock
Bingo jackpot
July 26th 2013
I love, love love, BingoMania. I have been playing here for several years and have won lots. I have played the Friday night tournaments and have won a little here and there…………but when I saw I was close on the $1,000 game I was mesmerized as my numbers kept coming up…….then I saw my card turn red and I was in shock!!! I called my daughter right away who plays on Mania too and shared my great news with her. BingoMania Rocks!!!

Won $500
Bingo jackpot
July 26th 2013
Dear Bingomania, once again you have graced me with a big win on a special day. I want to thank you for my win of $500 in the Fair and Square tourney last Friday. I was at my Gold Anniversary surprise party and could not be present for the FNS tournament. After I returned home from the party and logged on I could not believe my
eyes. The balance in my account was much higher than it was went I left bingo to attend the Church Service and the Reception given by my children and grandchildren. Thank you Bingo Mania for the unexpected Gold Anniversary gift —- my $500.00 win.
Yours forever grateful, WYN2DANCE

Won $12,275
Alias – Tuesday
Slots jackpot
July 26th 2013
I have been playing Bingo Mania for a little over a month and I cannot believe that I actually won a large amount of money. I was playing Bring Home the Bacon and I was so excited when I was informed that I won the progressive jackpot. I am going to use the money to pay off bills, help pay for my childrens college debt, and of course spend more money on Bingo Mania. I will definitely be recommending Bingo Mania to all my friends, family, and coworkers and show them that they actually do have a chance at winning the jackpot! Thank you so much Bingo Mania!

Won $2500
Bingo jackpot
July 12th 2013
I have been with bingomania for several years. I love playing here because everyone is so friendly. I have won on a regular basis and never have any problems getting my payouts. My most recent win was in the $50,000 thousand dollar game on Friday July 12th. The concelation prize was $5000. I had toothpicks holding my eyes open because it was late and I didnt want to miss a thing…I was determined to stay up for the game! When I was down to needing one number my heart was pounding and I was hollering at my computer COME ON COME ON COME ON!! I just knew all day I was going to win. I shared my winnings with one other lucky winner and we both walked away with a SMOOTH $2500! YAY US!! I got on the phone and texted my honey (icredsoldman..also another bingo maniac)woke hime up saying WHOOP WHOOP I just won us some money!! I win all the time on the slots but there is nothing better than holloring BINGOOOOOOOMANIA!

Won $10,000
Alias – Ronni906
Bingo jackpot
June 28th 2013
I have been playing at Bingomania for years and have never won a large amount. This really is going to help pay many bills off! When I returned home from work and saw that winning amount, I can’t express my excitement! This really turned my day around. I will always be a bingomania fan and I always recommend this site to all of my
family and friends. I never thought I would ever win this amount of money ever. I can’t thank you enough for having this special game!! Bingomania is the best bingo
site ever! Thank you!

Won $7500
Alias – chrissp
Bingo jackpot
January 21st 2013
I have been playing at BingoMania for a little over a year. I really love the site and enjoy the bingo games and slots. I have won several times before, but never won this much. When I won the $7,500 cover all I had to look twice, thought I was seeing wrong – but it was true. I grabbed the phone and called all my friends to tell them what I won. By the way, most of them play on the site because I have told them how great it is. Thank you so much BingoMania – I have played on other sites, but yours is the best!

Won $2500
Alias – QuincyDi
Slots jackpot
January 18th 2013
Three Times The Riches is my favorite slot. I couldn’t believe my eyes when the third jackpot symbol dropped into place! It was about 2 in the morning and I had a hard time refraining from waking up my husband to tell him about my win. My dog Taavi was sitting next to me when I won so he helped me celebrate. I’ve played at Bingomania
for years and I love it here. The GM’s are all so nice and the roomies are great. Thanks so much!

Won $5000
Alias – Pcwarfare
Bingo jackpot
January 7th 2013
I was playing the last coverall game of the night in the High Roller room and was amazed at how quickly my card was getting covered up. When I got to the 45th number, I needed three numbers. Two of those numbers came out back to back and I was so excited to be that close. On the 49th number, I needed I-27 to come out, and when it did and the card turned red, I thought I would fall out of my chair. I had won $5000. That’s the most I’ve ever won at Mania even though I win often enough to love playing here. I started playing at Mania when it opened its doors in 1996 and although I’ve tried other sites, I always come back to Mania every month because it’s the best site on the internet. Now I don’t play anywhere else so matter what kinds of ‘teasers’ they give because I’ve found nowhere else can beat Mania. You would have to beat me off with a stick to make me stop playing here. Mania is the cream of the crop.

Won $2250
Alias – OMGisThatWook
Slots jackpot
September 23rd 2012
This win could not have come at a more auspicious time! Thank you Bingo Mania. This will definitely come in handy.

Won $3000
Alias – Ceeneedsred
Slots jackpot
September 1st 2012
Hi, I was so excited when I won I screamed. I have won several times on BingoMania, but this is the biggest so far. I love playing here and everyone is great. Awesome experience all the time. Thanks to all the people that make it possible.

Won $1000
Alias – Tamula
Bingo jackpot
August 11th 2012
Thank you Bingomania for providing a fun place to play bingo. I’ve played at several other sites, and none of them come close to comparing with Mania. Until I started playing at Mania I never thought wins like this existed online, and especially so hassle free. My 1000 dollars bingo win was an unforgettable experience. Players play with pride knowing that you’re playing on the best online site.

Won $3,588
Alias – Slow Poke
Bingo jackpot
August 7th 2012
Thank you Bingo Mania for my awesome win! I have been playing here for 11 years, and will continue to play here. This is a picture of myself, my grandson, plays football ASU and his girlfriend..Thanks again for the win, and I plan on spending a good share of it when I go to his games in AZ

Won $3640
Alias – DebbieJ
Slots jackpot
July 27th 2012
I am so excited to win yet again at Bingomania!! I love this site so much!! I was in Bring Home the Bacon when all of a sudden; I saw a small box saying I won the jackpot… I was so excited and then I noticed it was over $3,500.00!! I took a picture right away so I could show everyone!! Thank you again Bingomania for being the best site on line and I am not going anywhere else!!!!

Won $23,064
Alias – kimmi529
Bingo Jackpot
July 23rd 2012
I just won my first PJP!!!!! I have been a player for several years and I have had a few payouts but this win far surpasses anything I have ever won. I get excited by a win of any amount so when I hit the PJP I was just stunned. I honestly never thought it would happen to me. To win that much money just seems surreal. I am so glad that I was in the chat. It made the win much more exciting. Thank you, Abi and roomies for being there. This will definitely make a difference in my family’s life. Thank you so much Bingo Mania for a great site and making dreams come true. And to my fellow players…..just know that it really can happen. I know that I am usually curious when someone hits big and would like to know how they won. I won on the small X!!!!!!

Won $7500
Alias – zekesmom
Bingo Jackpot
July 21st 2012
I love Bingomania and all the friends I’ve met from other countries. It is a fun and relaxing time for me, but WOW! It is always exciting when I win. I had just gotten ready for bed and bought tickets for 1 more game and shut off the computer. The next morning, when I turned it back on, I screamed when I saw my cash balance. I have
never won that much money at one time -$7,500.00. I plan to buy new furniture for our home and go off for a weekend with the girls. Hubby is thrilled I didn’t put everything back into slots. LOL Thank you so much Bingomania. Zekesmom

Won $10,392
Alias – skipmenot
Slots Jackpot
July 9th 2012
I have some wonderful news – I won the Jackpot in Bring Home The Bacon
Contest. It is my birthday today so it is a wonderful present and I cannot
think of anything that would make me happier. This is my first big win at
Bingo Mania and such a wonderful surprise. I never expected to win a big pot.
Although I have been a loyal member of the Bingo Mania Family for years I have
only recently started to play Slots, but I could not resist the Bring Home The
Bacon Contest. Thank you all at Bingo Mania for such a great birthday gift.
God Bless all of you. You are the Best! A grateful member of the Bingo Mania
Family, Sonia Sava aka Skipmenot aka Wyndance.

Won $7500
Alias – christopher666
Bingo Jackpot
June 16th 2012
I actually won! I saw my name as the declared winner, but the amount caused me
to do a double take. I called my wife to verify what I was seeing. I was
confused because i did not think that could be the correct amount. When my
wife looked at it she thought I called her because I won $150.00. She saw the
amount for $7500.00 and said “OH, VERY GOOD HONEY!”, then she kissed my bald buddha head.
Thank You BingoMania !

Won $7500
Alias – candyapple777
Bingo Jackpot
June 2nd 2012
Thank you so much. And to everyone who works behind the desk we don’t see to make this a wonderful site.

Won $27,032
Alias – maryr261
Slots jackpot
April 26th 2012
OMG! I don’t believe it. That’s what I said when I hit the progressive jackpot in Bring Home The Bacon slot game last night. I’ve been playing that game for a few months at BingoMania and I never thought I would hit the big one. What an amazing night! Just want to say TYVM to mania and all the staff, you’re the best!

Won $5000
Alias – boilermakersba
Bingo Jackpot
April 18th 2012
Thanks again Mania crew, you Rock! This came at a very good time for me…one daughters needs braces, the other needs surgery!

Won $2044
Alias – jkake
Bingo Jackpot
April 13th 2012
I absolutely LOVE Bingomania! I am officially a bingomaniac! It was Friday the 13th of ALL days and I had had a REALLY bad day when i decided to play bingo. I had turned on autobuy and had my husband watching for my numbers for the CG while I was coloring my hair when he yells “Honey, you bingo’d!” I asked him for how much and he said $82. Me being the doubter that I am, I just had to see for myself so I ran into the bedroom and looked in my little cash box and I nearly fainted! I was literally speechless! All I could do was point at the box and hold my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming, hubby still didn’t know what was going on so I finally got the words out ” I HIT THE JACKPOT!” Whew! After I calmed down I talked to the chat host and other maniacs, because honestly, can imagine. After I was skeptical, as anyone I verified my account I did my cash out and on Monday at noon I received an email with my money gram info, went to Waldemar and dang it I am a believer and a fanatic for Bingomania!!! I paid off bills then hubby and I split the $1200 that was left and $400 of MY share went into a brand new laptop and accessories and $100 went back to Bingo mania!!! LOL!!! Oh and I made hubby buy me a I’m hooked and thank you Bingomania