New Bingo Billy

New Bingo BillyA close look at New Bingo Billy

Congrats to the team of New Bingo Billy for winning the WhichBingo Top bingo site of the year honors in 2011! Kudos for giving Bingo Mania another great run in 2011 for this prestigious award.

So what makes NewBingoBilly a good community and how does it compare to Mania?

Free Bingo Bonuses

From outside looking in, there seems to be tons of opportunity to reap the benefits of newBilly’s free bonus offer such as the current $21 no sign-up bingo. It sure overshadows Bingo Mania’s $5 free offer. But before the excitement of a free offer misleads you, we think you should know some clear facts about Free Bingo Bonuses offered by bingo sites.

Get $100 Free bonus

These free bonuses cannot be cashed out — they’re in place to give you an opportunity to test try the games. Plus, any winnings derived from the free bonus offer cannot be cashed out either.

Then some sites who promote huge bonuses usually require players to wager the bonus offered x times prior to qualifying for your winnings. This means the more you bonus you get, the harder it will be for you to request your winnings.

How does Billy compare? See below.

NewBingoBilly Has a 7 x Bonus Wager Rule

Plus New Bingo Billy also has a policy that requires players to wager their bonus 7 x on bingo games and 15 x on slots game prior to qualifying for a withdrawal.

Note: It seems, there’s a 7 x bonus wager rule or a 3.5 x bonus + deposit rule according to their Terms. So be sure to read their terms carefully as they also highlight this to players.

That’s the biggest difference between Mania and Billy — that we don’t believe it’s fair on players to go through silly hoops to qualify for a withdrawal. If you win, you should be able to cash out with ease. That’s our belief and how we’ve operated since day one.

Bingo Mascots

Reload Bonuses

If you love free bonuses, both Mania and Billy offer you huge bonuses that give you more extended playtime. Just as we noted above, the key difference between the two sites are that NBB has a 3.5 x your deposit + bonus wager rule requirement.

What does this mean?

Let’s say you deposit $100, you’ll receive up to $311 in free bonuses at NBB.
You’ll have to wager $1438.50 total to qualify for a withdrawal — that’s over $1400 in bingo wagers.
So if you win a $1,000 bingo game — you can’t request your winnings yet. You’ll have to wager $1400 to qualify. So by the time you’ve wagered your winnings could be diminished. As mentioned before, Bingo Mania has no a bonus wager rule policy thus making us a friendly site.


Even though NewBingoBilly is one of our competitors, besides their bonus wager rule policy, we think they’re a good community and have always been a fan of their promotions. They tend to host new themed specials quite frequently and that’s always a good sign that their team is engaged and committed to providing you a fun filled experience.

Bingo Rooms
As of writing, you’ll find five different bingo rooms at

  • Crazy Quarter room
  • Wild Penny Bingo Room
  • Thrifty Nickel
  • Marble Bingo (2 and 3 part games)
  • Flower Room with free bingo games

That’s a good mix of rooms.

At Bingo Mania, you have up to 7 special rooms available to you:

  • Nut House — all day nickel games
  • Loony Bin — quarter room
  • High Roller — $1 card room
  • Fair n’ Square — a weekly special bingo room
  • Free Bingo — Thursday’s special $1,000 bingo event
  • Soap Opera — drama bingo baby
  • and a weekly $250 and $500 special guaranteed game in the pre-buy room

Due to Bingo Mania’s size, you’ll find much bigger guaranteed prizes throughout the day vs. NewBingoBilly. That’s another key advantage that Mania has over NBB. Ironically this was the key difference in the comparison between Mania and Bingo Palace.


To win the Site of the Year award as many times as NBB has done, you need the support of your community — our hat goes off to their team for being able to rally their members year and year to provide them the support to win the award.

They’ve been able to achieve to grow their community through a strong presence on Facebook.

Should You Play at NewBingoBilly?
As highlighted above, NBB offers refreshing promos, great funding bonuses and variety of excitement in their bingo rooms.

These are all key features needed to run a successful community on top of great customer service.

The two areas that NBB falls short on their bonus wager rule policy and lack of high bingo jackpots and guaranteed games.

So if you don’t mind the wager bonus rule, then we are certain you’ll enjoy your time at NewBingoBilly!

However, if you want more out of your site, we believe with all you get at Mania, you’ll have a better experience overall:

  • No Deposit / Bonus Wager Rule Policy
  • High paying bingo jackpots
  • Colossal Daily and Weekly Bingo Games
  • Easy deposit options
  • Adorable community mascot
  • Fantastic customer service
  • More variety specials
  • Superb reload bonuses

There you have it. Hope you’ve enjoyed this review of NewBingoBilly!

Get $100 Free bonus