Education Bingo As a Part of Students Teaching
GM Skippy
May 25, 2020
Table of Contents
Many teachers know that if kids are having fun while they are learning, they will keep coming back for more. The grids are completely customizable for any lesson plan. Children of all ages can be taught concepts such as mathematics, science, language, and other skills through the fun of playing bingo with their peers. Actually, any one of us is getting more information out of something when it is pleasurable, at the age of 4-13 children adore playing various games so once you combine the pleasurable part of gaming and learning together the outcome is twice bigger.
So, many pedagogs and schools actually prefer this method and have separate classes where education bingo games are used to teach children various subjects. Actually it seems a bit hard to consider a bingo game as a part of the learning process, but it works!
Math Bingo
When kids are asked about the subject that they dislike the most, more often than not, the answer is, “Math!” It really doesn’t have to be that way. Kids tend to get bored quickly, but they can really come to love math if it can be made fun of them. One site which specializes in math bingo offers bingo game cards to be played for a number of games for classes of as many as 20 students.
Educational bingo can be just the thing to introduce young learners to any math topic and keep them focused on the lesson. Bingo math can help children learn about addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. As the subjects get more complex, bingo answers can be scaled to match the topic.
Teachers can make up bingo cards with numbers that correspond to the correct answers to a number of predetermined math problems. If the correct answer appears on the card, the student can mark it off. The game continues until someone gets five across, down or diagonally, and gets a Bingo. You can have one twinner or continue on until there are several winners during the class period.
Actually not only the math skills can be developed via the bingo games played at classrooms, but also the logic of the students can be practiced and gained through think bingo games.
Using Classroom Bingo as a Tool for Teaching Science
Teaching science to kids can also be a challenge for teachers. Again, bingo can be used in a number of ways to teach kids at every grade level. Bingo can offer a way for them to learn new vocabulary words about different topics like earth sciences. Other topics may also include different species of birds, animals, dinosaurs, plants, trees, insects, or broad and complex topics such as astronomy or oceanography.
As young students advance, educational bingo games may still be used as a tool to help them learn terms and concepts in anatomy or human biology or psychology.
Teaching Language Skills Through Educational Bingo Games
One of the first things that children learn how to do in school is to recognize letters and words. These are the important skills they need when learning how to read. Bingo can be used in reading, writing, and language skills from the very earliest grades on up.
English is a fairly complex language. Learning its rules can be a challenge for students of all ages. Using bingo teaches some of the rules for spelling, vocabulary, and grammar can be ideal. In fact, long before we started using the game of bingo as a teaching tool in this country, it was being used in Germany in the Eighteenth Century as a way to teach young children about language arts and spelling.
Bingo can also be used as a teaching tool for learning other languages. If your students are learning how to speak Spanish, French, or German, learning to recognize words or phrases through the game can help students retain their vocabulary and grammar. Even younger learners can get involved by learning words in another language and recognizing them on their bingo cards.
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